Published on 03 March 2023 Modified on 06 December 2023 By administrator In Papers Tagged in Alexandros Papanis, EN, Zoe Gavriilidou, Αλέξανδρος Παπάνης, Ζωή Γαβριηλίδου 164 downloads
Zoe Gavriilidou and Alexandros PapanisDemocritus University of Thrace
The purpose of the present study was to identify the range of strategies reported to be used by university students learning English as foreign language and to determine whether the reported strategies vary, depending on the proficiency in foreign language, gender, knowledge of more than one foreign language and career orientation of the students. 117 students filled in a questionnaire. The results showed that university students use learning strategies to a high degree. No significant effects of gender, career orientation and knowledge of more than one language was found. On the contrary, there was a significant effect of language proficiency on the use of metacognitive strategies.
Published on 06 December 2023 Modified on 06 December 2023 By administrator In Papers Tagged in EN, Lydia Mitits, Zoe Gavriilidou, Ζωή Γαβριηλίδου, Λύδια Μίτιτς 166 downloads
Zoe Gavriilidou & Lydia MititsDemocritus University of Thrace
The purpose of the study was to develop an adaptation protocol for Oxford‟s Strategy Inventory for Language learning (SILL) from English into Greek to be administered to monolingual/multilingual students aged 12-15 in secondary schools in Thrace, Greece. This study focuses on following the appropriate adaptation protocol in order to maximize the questionnaire reliability and validity, both when used with the particular learners and when used to compare scores across cultures and languages. The original scale was translated into Greek, back-translated and reviewed. Cross-cultural adaptation included the experts‟ revision, followed by the instrument administration to 50 participants. Its internal consistency was .91. Test-retest reliability ranged from fair to good for the total scale and its six-subscales.
Published on 06 December 2023 Modified on 06 December 2023 By administrator In Papers Tagged in EN, Stavroula Mavrommatidou, Σταυρούλα Μαυρομματίδου 153 downloads
Stavroula MavrommatidouDemocritus University of Thrace
In order to be efficient in understanding and producing texts and improving their vocabulary, good dictionary users should have a number of reference skills (Elola, Rodrıguez-Garcıa &Winfrey 2008;Fraser 1999; Author1 2013). Especially digital dictionaries and smart technology require the development of new skills for their successful and efficient use. Since research in skills required for electronic means is very limited, our aim is to create a reliable online tool, the Strategy Inventory for Electronic Dictionary Use (S.I.E.D.U.), for the evaluation of skills users should have for a successful online search. The purpose of this paper is to present the construction steps and characteristics of S.I.E.D.U. and to provide data about the instrument test specification and content validity.
Published on 06 December 2023 Modified on 06 December 2023 By administrator In Papers Tagged in Anna Anastassiadis-Syméonidis, FR, Maria Mitsiaki, Άννα Αναστασιάδη-Συμεωνίδη, Μαρία Μητσιάκη 147 downloads
Anna Anastassiadis-Syméonidis, Maria MitsiakiUniversité Aristote de Thessalonique
Depuis ces vingt dernières années, la Grèce accueille des immigrés aussi bien des pays balkaniques et des pays de l’ex-URSS que des pays d’Afrique et d'Asie. C’est pourquoi le traitement de l’Autre du point de vue linguistique est un challenge pour le collège en Grèce.
Dans le but d’aider les collégiens étrangers en Grèce dans l’apprentissage du grec moderne, nous avons constitué un corpus de leurs productions écrites comprenant 3 372 copies, qui ont été le résultat d'un enseignement intensif pendant les années scolaires 2006-2007 et 2007-2008. Pour les besoins de cette présentation, nous avons traité 200 copies venant de 100 apprenants. Plus Spécialement, nou« avons analysé la première et la dernière copie de 100 apprenants, dans le but de mesurer leur progrès en langue, et par conséquent l’effet de notre enseignement pendant deux années scolaires consécutives.
La création d’un corpus à partir de productions écrites d’apprenants étrangers (learner corpus- based error analysis, Sinclair 2004) constitue une innovation pédagogique pour l’enseignement de la langue grecque, dans la mesure où elle peut aider, de manière efficace, à la fabrication de matériaux didactiques, à la sélection de documents authentiques, à la constitution d’un syllabus, à l’élaboration de différents types de teSts, et susciter le recours aux techniques et aux Stratégies d'apprentissage (Meunier 2002:122).Les apprenants dont les copies constituent notre corpus sont du niveau débutant, intermédiaire et avancé. Nous n’avons pris en compte que les erreurs systématiques (Corder 1973)- Le modèle de classement des erreurs que nous avons utilisé eSt fondé sur les niveaux d analyse linguistique, par exemple, erreurs phonologiques, morphologiques, etc., et cherche à être rigoureux et réutilisable. La comparaison du taux d’erreurs entre les productions des deux années scolaires a révélé une amélioration importante avant tout pour les débutants: a) quantitative, vu la longueur de la deuxième production écrite, et b) qualitative, vu le progrès dans 1 acquisition de la Structure du système linguistique du grec à tous les niveaux de I analyse linguistique.
I.analyse des erreurs des productions écrites aide les enseignants à mieux comprendre tant les erreurs dues à la Li (interférences) que les Stratégies utilisées par les apprenants dans le but de surmonter les difficultés. En plus, l’analyse même des erreurs en classe constitue une Stratégie d’enseignement cognitive et métacogni-tive utile et intéressante, puisqu’elle focalise sur l’altérité linguistique.
Published on 06 December 2023 Modified on 06 December 2023 By administrator In Papers Tagged in EN, Ifigeneia Dosi, Ιφιγένεια Δόση 152 downloads
Ifigeneia DosiDemocritus University of Thrace
The present studyaims to investigatethe acquisition of aspect in Greek, both in comprehension and production, in (non-)heritage bilingual Greek-English children.Studies of grammatical aspect on heritage speakers have indicatedthat the use of perfectiveaspect is more prevalent comparedtothe use of imperfective aspect (Montrul, 2002; Polinsky,2007).Most of the studies on (non-)heritage bilinguals have shown that the habitual feature is more problematic than the continuous one(Dosi, Papadopoulou & Tsimpli, 2016;Montrul, 2002). In terms of language proficiency it seems to affectaccurate performance on grammatical aspect (Montrul, 2002; 2009). The present study was conducted on (non-)heritage Greek-English bilingual children (N=33) andmonolingual peers(N=15). The results have revealed that, in the comprehension task, monolingualsoutperformed both heritageand non-heritage speakersand the non-heritage group scored higher than the heritage group.In the production task heritage speakers performed lower than the two other groups. The habitual feature was found to be problematic for the (non-)heritage speakers. Developmental differences were found only in the heritage group, in the habitual feature (production task); hence younger participants outperformed olderones. From the above, we deduce thatattrition effect in heritage speakers can be detectedin a problematic feature (i.e. habitual)by a demanding task, i.e. production task. Finally, the role of vocabulary knowledgewasfound to be the strongest predictor of bilingual performance.
Published on 06 December 2023 Modified on 06 December 2023 By administrator In Papers Tagged in Angeliki Psaltou-Joycey, Eleni Agathopoulou, EN, Marina Mattheoudakis, Αγγελική Ψάλτου-Joyce, Ελένη Αγαθοπούλου, Μαρίνα Ματθαιουδάκη 175 downloads
Edited by Angeliki Psaltou-Joycey, Eleni Agathopoulou and Marina MattheoudakisAristotle University of Thessaloniki
The present volume consists of a selection of twenty-three papers on the theme of Cross-Curricular Approaches to Language Education and is based on papers presented at the 15th International Conference of Applied Linguistics, all of which relate to the above mentioned theme. The conference was held in Thessaloniki, Greece, from 23 to 25 November 2012 and was organised by the Greek Applied Linguistics Association, an affiliate of AILA (Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée). The papers reflect current applied linguistic research in the Greek but also in several other international, educational contexts. They cover a broad range of research areas which all share a common focus. Specifically, all papers approach language learning and teaching from an interdisciplinary perspective by crossing school-subject boundaries, and thus bring into focus integrated forms of learning and teaching (Committee of the European Communities, 2007; Council of Europe, 2006; Eurydice, 2008). They investigate language learning practices which promote holistic forms of knowledge; in those cases language is seen as a tool to acquire knowledge but also as a learning objective in its own right (Cummins, 2007; Harris and Grenfell, 2004; Long & Robinson, 1998; Lyster, 2007; McCarthy, 1997). Of the twenty-three papers, sixteen are written in English, six in Greek, and one is in French. To facilitate international readership, all abstracts are written in English.
Published on 06 December 2023 Modified on 06 December 2023 By administrator In Papers Tagged in DE, Ifigeneia Dosi, Ιφιγένεια Δόση 181 downloads
In diesem Beitrag werden die verschiedenen Funktionen des Pronomens es untersucht, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf dessen Darstellung in einer Reihe von Grammatiken, in Lehr-Grammatiken und verschiedenen Lehrwerken für Deutsch als Fremdsprache (im Folgenden DaF) liegt. Die Bearbeitung erfolgt mit dem Ziel. Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten in der Präsentation der Funktionen des es zu erörtern. Danach folgt ein Vergleich zwischen den Grammatiken, den Lehr-Grammatiken und den Lehrwerken, um zu untersuchen: (a) wie die Funktionen des Pronomens dargestellt werden, und (b) inwieweit sich die Lehr-Grammatiken und die Grammatikpräsentationen in Lehrwerken bezüglich der Darstellung der Funktionen von es unterscheiden. Schließlich wird ein Vorschlag für Lehrwerke unterbreitet, der einerseits das Pronomen es anhand seiner syntaktischen und semantischen Eigenschaften darstellt und der andererseits Möglichkeiten aufzeigt, die effektives Lernen in DaF bewirken.
Published on 14 December 2023 Modified on 15 December 2023 By administrator In Papers Tagged in EN, James Milton, Lydia Mitits, Thomaϊ Alexiou, Θωμαή Αλεξίου, Λύδια Μίτιτς 161 downloads
Lydia Mitits*, Thomaϊ Alexiou** and James Milton***Democritus University of Thrace, GR*Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GR**Department of Applied Linguistics, Swansea University, UK*
Language learning strategies are not confined to the classroom but can be extended to cover the whole context of learning. Where learners are part of a minority language group within a much larger national language environment, this context can include the language used for everyday life in the home. It might be thought that enhanced exposure through speaking the L2 in the home would advantage these L2 learners. However, research suggests this may not be the case and in expatriate communities, the promotion of the L1 is a factor that appears to help learners in the development of the L2. The study reported in this paper examines the effect of the language of the home among a group of Muslim minority Turkish language speakers living in Greece and receiving education through the medium of Greek and Turkish. The results of this study suggest that these learners are likely to integrate poorly into their Greek national language environment because of the low level of Greek they attain. However, even here the benefits of promoting the growth and development of the Turkish L1 are apparent since the best developed L1 Turkish vocabularies also grow the largest L2 Greek vocabularies. There are statistically significant gender effects visible in the data where the girls in the study out-perform the boys and, while this appears to be related to the use of Turkish in the home, it is not fully understood.
Published on 06 December 2023 Modified on 06 December 2023 By administrator In Papers Tagged in EN, Lydia Mitits, Zoe Gavriilidou, Ζωή Γαβριηλίδου, Λύδια Μίτιτς 146 downloads
Lydia Mitits and Zoe GavriilidouDemocritus University of Thrace
Building upon previous research, the present large-scale study looks into the relationship between multilingualism and factors influencing language learning strategies by comparing 932 monolingual and 307 multilingual learners’ strategy use. The participants completed the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) Version 7.0 (Oxford 1990). The collected data were computed and analyzed via t-test, oneway and two-way ANOVA with respect to overall strategy use and the six categories by monolingual and multilingual learners and the independent variables. Interactions tested among the independent variables were not statistically significant pointing to the variables’ discreteness. However, the main effect of each independent variable, without the interference of the other variables, was statistically significant for certain strategy categories.
Published on 06 December 2023 Modified on 06 December 2023 By administrator In Papers Tagged in EN, Ioannis Lefkos, Maria Mitsiaki, Ιωάννης Λεύκος, Μαρία Μητσιάκη 164 downloads
Maria Mitsiaki*, Ioannis Lefkos**Democritus University of Thrace*University of Macedonia**
ÂÂÂÂÂ This paper reports on the design and compilation of ELeFyS (Εικονογραφημένο Λεξικό Φυσικής για το Σχολείο, ΕΛεΦυΣ), a Greek specialized school dictionary of science. Since its conception ELeFyS has been intended as a reference tool for the parallel development of scientific and linguistic literacy in a school con-text. To fulfil such an objective, generic entries include scientific terms that fall within the school subject of physics and are likely to be encountered in the upper grades of primary and lower grades of secondary school; however, the dictionary coverage is not restricted to terminology, but is also expanded to the terms/headwords’ respective general sense(s) and use(s). Moreover, encyclopedic and cultural material is given as further stimuli for critical thinking. Under this scope, ELeFyS works both as a lexicographic product and a multi-functional teaching resource. In sum, it constitutes a novel endeavor of combining pedagogy and specialization in order to meet the complex linguistic and cognitive/scientific needs of school children in the late primary and the early secondary school grades. Such a complex aim of determining both communication- and knowledge-oriented lexicographic functions is being realized thanks to the enduring collaboration of a linguist and a science expert, well-rooted in long teaching experience. In what follows, we focus on the policy decisions made at the outset of the lexicographic project and the entry-building process.
Published on 06 December 2023 Modified on 06 December 2023 By administrator In Papers Tagged in EN, Ifigeneia Dosi, Selini Kamoura, Ιφιγένεια Δόση, Σελήνη Καμούρα 143 downloads
Ifigeneia Dosi*, Selini KamouraDemocritus University of Thrace*
There has beena long debate whetherElicited Imitation Tasks (EITs) measure linguistic skills, or they are more based on the rote memory skills. Some studies have noted that the role of memory (either working memory or short term memory) is crucial for the performance on EITs (Alloway and Gathercole, 2005; Alloway, Gathercole, Willis and Adams, 2004). Few studies have claimed that the contribution of memory is more important than the contribution of language to EITs performance (Hamayan, Saegert, and Larudee, 1977). Nonetheless, other studies have not observed the impact of memory on the performance in EITs (Okura and Lonsdale 2012, Dosi, Papadopoulou and Tsimpli, 2016). There ishowever,a great number of recent studies which maintain that EITs draw on both language ability and cognitive resources,primarily from working memory (Riches, 2012; Klem, Melby-Lervaog, Hagtvet, Lyster, Gustafsson and Hulme, 2015), especially when the sentences are quite short (Fattal, Friedmann and Fattla-Valevski, 2011), since language processing is less demanding in short sentencesand memory abilities are more possible to affect the participants’ performance (Alloway et al., 2004). Language proficiency also seems to affect the performance on the task (Bley-Vroman and Chaudron, 1994; Munnich, Flynn and Martohardjono, 1994). Limited is the evidence about Greek native speakers, who learn English as a second language (L2), such data would be useful for the educators to plan a more targeted lesson.
The present study investigates the language and working memory skills of native speakers of Greek, who learn English as a L2. Additionally, it also takes into account the aforementioned issues in order to test whether (a) EITs measure both linguistic and (verbal) working memory abilities and (b)language proficiency hasanyimpact on participants’ performance. Hence, in the present study eight participantstook part; half of them (n=4) were intermediate learners of English and the other half (n=4) were advanced learners of English.
Published on 06 December 2023 Modified on 06 December 2023 By administrator In Papers Tagged in EN, Lydia Mitits, Zoe Gavriilidou, Ζωή Γαβριηλίδου, Λύδια Μίτιτς 150 downloads
Published on 06 December 2023 Modified on 06 December 2023 By administrator In Papers Tagged in EN, Stavroula Mavrommatidou, Σταυρούλα Μαυρομματίδου 158 downloads
Mavrommatidou StavroulaDemociruts University of Thrace
S.I.E.D.U. (Strategy Inventory for Electronic Dictionary Use) is a valid and reliable electronic instrument designed for assessing users’ skills in electronic dictionary searches. It can be used for research purposes mainly for the detection of users’ profiles in order to design appropriateintervention programs in classrooms. In the present paper,it has been used for collecting empirical data onusers’ dictionary skills, which is an important but poorlyresearched topic in language learning contexts.700 people (students from high schools and universitiesas well asteachers) participated in the investigation and completed the online questionnaire S.I.E.D.U.,reflecting on their own digital dictionary use. It was found that not all users are familiar enough with the strategies required when using digital dictionariesand some of them lack the right skills to fully benefit from this useful source of information. In addition, there are differences in the skills applied by usersdepending on their level of education butnot between university students in different study fields.
Published on 06 December 2023 Modified on 06 December 2023 By administrator In Papers Tagged in Anna Anastassiadis-Syméonidis, Elisavet Kiourti, EN, Maria Mitsiaki, Άννα Αναστασιάδη-Συμεωνίδη, Ελισάβετ Κιούρτη, Μαρία Μητσιάκη 150 downloads
Anna Anastassiadis-Symeonidis*, Elisavet Kiourti** & Maria Mitsiaki*Aristotle University of Thessaloniki*,University of Cyprus**Democritus University of Thrace*
Η εργασία αυτή αποσκοπεί α) στην περιγραφή και ανάλυση του κλιτικού συστήματος των ονομάτων (ουσιαστικών και επιθέτων) της κοινής αστικής κυπριακής με βάση τις αρχές της Μορφολογίας των Παραδειγματικών Συναρτήσεων και β) στην παρουσίαση του μορφολογικού λεξικού ΚΟΜοΛεξ, η σύνταξη του οποίου βασίστηκε στο προαναφερθέν θεωρητικό πλαίσιο.
Published on 06 December 2023 Modified on 06 December 2023 By administrator In Papers Tagged in Elina Chadjipapa, EN, Lena Papadopoulou, Ελίνα Χατζηπαπά, Λένα Παπαδοπούλου 163 downloads
Elina Chadjipapa & Lena PapadopoulouDemocritus University of Thrace
The present study investigates the Greek student’s skills and strategies in dictionary use such as attitudes, habits and techniques adopted from the dictionary users. The first version of the Strategy Inventory for Dictionary Use (S.I.D.U) was given to 177 students attending in two different departments of the Democritus University of Thrace during 2012-2013. The results showed that students seem to use dictionary strategies effectively; especially lemmatization strategies are the most frequently reference skills.
Published on 06 December 2023 Modified on 06 December 2023 By administrator In Papers Tagged in Despina Papadopoulou, EN, Ianthi Tsimpli, Ifigeneia Dosi, Δέσποινα Παπαδοπούλου, Ιάνθη Τσιμπλή, Ιφιγένεια Δόση 142 downloads
Ifigeneia Dosi*, Ianthi Tsimpli**, Despina Papadopoulou***Democritus University of Thrace*University of Cambridge**Aristotle University of Thessaloniki*
The present study investigates the comprehension of perfective and imperfective aspect in Greek-English bilingual children. Previous work on L2 acquisition of aspect indicates that imperfective aspect appears later than perfective aspect in the marking of past events across various languages (Andersen & Shirai 1996; Bardovi-Harlig 2000) and that the [+ habitual] feature of imperfective aspect, appears later than the [+ continuous] feature (Bardovi-Harlig & Reynolds 1995; Shirai 2002); the same pattern also holds for adult learners of L2 Greek (Mattheoudakis et al. 2011; Papadopoulou 2005). Sixty children, thirty Greek-English bilinguals and thirty Greek monolinguals, completed a forced choice oral task, in which they had to select between the perfective and imperfective aspect of a specific verb. The task consisted of short stories which tested three ex-perimental conditions: perfective, [+ continuous] imperfective and [+ habitual] imperfective; for each condition individual stories with and without temporal conjunctions were provided. The results revealed that the perfective aspect was successfully acquired, while problems with the imperfective aspect are evident, especially when the imperfective sentences denote habituality. The participants’ performance suggests no association between the presence of conjunctions and the decoding of aspect. Interestingly, a significant correlation was found between children’s vocabulary level and their performance on aspect.
Published on 06 December 2023 Modified on 06 December 2023 By administrator In Papers Tagged in Angeliki Psaltou-Joycey, EN, Zoe Gavriilidou, Αγγελική Ψάλτου-Joyce, Ζωή Γαβριηλίδου 173 downloads
Zoe Gavriilidou* and Angeliki Psaltou-Joycey**Democritus University of Thrace*,Aristotle University of Thessaloniki**
The present article offers a brief overview of the field of language learning strategies by following the growth of relevant research over the past thirty years or so, which developed alongside the increased attention to learner-centred instructional models of foreign language teaching. As such, it highlights key concepts, relates the use of strategies to other learner variables, and touches on the issue of strategy instruction and its effect on language learning.
Published on 06 December 2023 Modified on 06 December 2023 By administrator In Papers Tagged in EN, Lydia Mitits, Λύδια Μίτιτς 155 downloads
Lydia MititsDemocritus University of Thrace
The present study investigates possible differences in language learning strategy (LLS) use between monolingual (L1 Greek) and multilingual (L1 non-Greek) early adolescent learners. The participants were junior high school learners (932 monolinguals and 307 multilinguals) who completed an adapted self-report questionnaire. Both groups responded to the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) Version 7.0 (Oxford, 1990) about their language learning strategies when learning English1. The multilingual group then completed another SILL reporting on the strategies they used when learning/using Greek. The data were analyzed via descriptive statistics and t-tests. The findings showed statistically significant differences between monolinguals and multilinguals concerning individual strategies and strategy categories in favor of multilinguals as well as multilinguals‟ transfer of strategies from Greek to English and vice versa.
Published on 06 December 2023 Modified on 06 December 2023 By administrator In Papers Tagged in Despina Papadopoulou, EN, Ianthi Tsimpli, Ifigeneia Dosi, Δέσποινα Παπαδοπούλου, Ιάνθη Τσιμπλή, Ιφιγένεια Δόση 145 downloads
Ifigeneia Dosi*, Ianthi Tsimpli**, Despina Papadopoulou***Democritus University of Thrace*University of Cambridge**Aristotle University of Thessaloniki***
It is debated what exactly Elicited Imitation Tasks (EITs) measure; more specifically, it is not clear to what extent language ability andworking memory capacityare involved.Some researchers note that language abilities are more prevalent in those tasks, since participants focus on the meaning of the sentence in order to retrieveit(DeKeyser,2003; Ellis, 2005; Erlam, 2006).Furthermore, language proficiency affects task performance (Bley-Vroman& Chaudron, 1994; Munnich, Flynn & Martohardjono,1994).On the other hand, there is a debate regardingthe role of memory in EITs. Some studies argue that the contributionof memory, either working memory (WM) or short-term memory (STM) is critical for accurate performance (Alloway &Gathercole, 2005; Alloway, Gathercole,Willis & Adams, 2004).Otherspoint out the involvementof further cognitive abilities, such as episodic buffer(Baddeley & Wilson, 2002) or metalinguistic awareness (Bialystok 1991). Fewstudies claim that EITs do not entail any linguistic processing and are based onrote memory capacity (Hamayan, Saegert, & Larudee, 1977),whereasthere are also studies whichdo notfind a correlation between EIT and WM tasks (Okura& Lonsdale, 2012).More recent studies demonstrate that both language abilities and cognitive skills are neededin EITs (Riches, 2012; Klem,Melby-Lervaog, Hagtvet,Lyster,Gustafsson &Hulme,2015). To our knowledge, there are no studies that explored the role of other executive functions(i.e. updating)in the performance onEITs.
Published on 03 March 2023 Modified on 06 December 2023 By administrator In Papers Tagged in Despina Papadopoulou, EN, Ianthi Tsimpli, Ifigeneia Dosi, Δέσποινα Παπαδοπούλου, Ιάνθη Τσιμπλή, Ιφιγένεια Δόση 136 downloads
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